Not to alarm you, but 2022 is just around the corner!
While this is still a busy time for 2021 classes, we understand many schools are now in the early stages of preparation for 2022, so to help you with your planning, we would like to share with you our Annual Product Update.
Our Product team has reviewed and re-written (or written from scratch) the teaching, learning and assessment resources for over 100 units of competency in the past 12 months. It’s been an unbelievable effort and we believe highlighting some of these important changes for you at this time is essential.
What has happened since our last update?
Since our last major update back in January, we have completed a large volume of work renovating and improving our teaching, learning and assessment resources. We have also made significant headway regarding the transition from course-based to unit-based resources that support flexible options for schools.
As was the case last year, we have renovated a substantial number of units, either in part or in full, across our entire suite of courses, all in response to training package updates, stakeholder feedback and in the spirit of continuous improvement. This includes but is not limited to:
We would like to thank all Trainers who took the time to provide their invaluable feedback throughout this year. Whilst we cannot apply all feedback received (usually due to mandatory requirements of the unit of competency), we are confident that those who have made the effort to provide their comments will, more often than not, see them reflected in the renovated resources.
Major course changes
Three training packages, affecting a total of six qualifications on IVET's scope of registration, had new versions released over late 2020 and 2021:
Business Services (BSB) Training Package# Creative Arts and Culture (CUA) Training Package
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Training Package
#The BSB update has a far-reaching impact, in that many of the units of competency from this training package are used as elective or imported units in many other qualifications.
Other major developments
We continued or commenced a number of self-initiated projects for the improvement of teaching, learning and assessment resources supporting the following courses:
The improvements vary from individual resource updates (any one part of a unit's kit) to a full overhaul, that is, an update of al/teaching, learning and assessment material for the unit. We expect to complete these improvements by the end of 2021.
Imminent new versions of qualifications
IVET is aware of and monitoring some training package updates that are likely to be endorsed and released in late 2021 or early 2022, and that will result in a number of new versions of existing qualifications. These qualifications (and their units of competency) will then need to be redeveloped in 2022 and rolled out from the beginning of 2023.
The qualifications that we are currently aware will be updated include:
• Certificate II in Health Support Services
• Certificate II in Hospitality
• Certificate II in Kitchen Operations
• Certificate II in Outdoor Recreation (minor update only)
• Certificate II in Sport Coaching (minor update only)
• Certificate Ill in Allied Health Assistance
In all of these cases, the revised Training Packages (curriculum) are currently in draft and have not yet been finalised by the Skills Service Organisation, Skills IQ. For further information visit the Skills IQ website:
Please reach out to your SRO for any queries or call us on 1300 004 838 to speak with one of our friendly admin team members.