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Employment Pathways

IVET recognises the importance of assisting schools to retain students and avoid students leaving school without an employment or further education pathway

Equally IVET understands the difficulties faced by schools retaining students who are not engaged and as a result do not further their learning or advance their future employment and career prospects.

IVET has developed an employment pathways program designed to:

  • Provide engaging and entertaining learning for students
  • Offer foundation skills such as numeracy and literacy in a non-confronting way
  • Provide students with skills and qualifications. For example, a First Aid certificate that can improve their future employment chances
  • Ensure they are not learning for learning’s sake and are genuinely growing their skill and knowledge base.

Certificate I in Employment Pathways

This certificate, previously named Vocational Preparation, is an excellent qualification that assists students to gain vital foundation skills and knowledge to succeed in the senior years.

This course allows students to experience vocational training for the first time and to access a nationally recognised qualification as well as gain invaluable insight into vocational training.
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The Employment Pathway

Students who complete our Employment Pathways course can progress to further VET studies, or seek entry into Higher Education.
Certificate I in Employment Pathways

(1 year)
Further VET Studies
Higher Education

All our courses include:

State of the art online assessment portal (IVET Connect)
Teacher resources
RTO assessment materials
Scored assessment advice and practice exams
Learner resources for all students in electronic and hard copy
Lesson plans
One to one personalised service
Professional Development activities for teachers
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Ready to get started?

  • Book a personal demo
    Book a consultation & see how IVET can improve your life & your student’s learning. 1300 00 IVET or Book Online
  • We set up your account
    In no time you’ll be ready to allocate students to your courses and manage your classroom within the IVET Online Portal.
  • You’re ready to get started
    Your students can now self-enrol and gain instant access to classes & resources.

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